Friday, February 10, 2012

Alberta Pre Election Budget - The real one will follow if you elect them again.

IT WAS NOT OIL RESOURCE REVENUES WHO PAID DAY TO DAY EXENSES! IT WAS OUR HERITAGE TRUST FUND WHICH PAID 15 TOTAL PROVINCIAL BUDGETS! And.the Heritage Trust Fund was not sacked to help a starving province!  It was sacked throughout the highest, richest production years Alberta has ever known!  It was not invested in capital projects that did not appreciate as they would have you think!

160 billion dollars was pulled out of the fund and ran through General Revenues and used to artificially reduce oil royalty to zero!  The Heritage Trust is now down to 15 billion and falling fast! To replace this money they will increase your personal taxes!

THERE NEVER WAS A SUSTAINABILITY FUND!  Alberta's AIMCO however reported an 8 billion dollar loss in pension funds. (between an 8 and 12 million loss to pensions) at the same time the Conservatives were busted for stealing Alberta Pension Funds.

Stupendous Predictions abound.  It is the true benchmark of the Conservatives. In their world it is not how much BS you throw but how much you make stick to the door that counts!

This time, last election: Our resource revenues were promised a pie in the sky increases in the "New Royalty Regime". Our royalty was 16% USD and US exchange was 18%.  They projected huge, impossible royalty increases exactly as they are doing this time! Same old show.

As it turned out, they changed our take from USD to Can $ in that document, a loss to this province of 18% at the time! The purpose was to reduce royalty and only to reduce royalty.  So much for promises from these guys. As Stelmach said in debate on that election, "we are Conservatives. not like these other guys"

The original deal on royalty was 25% on a paid plant and only 1% while the plant was being paid for.  Under this formula Alberta Taxpayers paid 100%  of these plants.  It was not a big investment by no name oil industry types. It was 100% Alberta Taxpayer coin!

Since the last election however they have reduced our royalty from 16% (When their stated target was 19% auditor Fred Dunn) to zilch!

Plant pay offs have nothing to do with their projected robbery.  Conservative idealism howeveris everything!

"INCREASES IN HEALTH CARE SPENDING" they say. No more chance than the proverbial snow ball in hell!  They do have every intention of totally privatizing our health care and doing away with Alberta Health Care Coverage. This is where most your phantom billions are coming from!  That is why so many health care companies are now registered in Alberta after Alberta changed legislation to allow Private Coverage in Alberta.  That is why your local Blue Cross is beating down your door to sell health care coverage.

STUPENDOUS  PREDICTIONS  abound.  It is the true benchmark of the Conservatives. In their world it is not how much BS you throw but how much you make stick to the door that counts!

This time, last election: Our resource revenues were promised a pie in the sky increases in the "New Royalty Regime". Our royalty was 16% USD and US exchange was 18%.  They projected huge, impossible royalty increases exactly as they are doing this time! Same old show.

As it turned out, they changed our take from USD to Can $ in that document, a loss to this
province of 18% at the time! The purpose was to reduce royalty and only to reduce royalty. 
So much for promises from these guys. As Stelmach said in debate on that election, "we are
Conservatives. not like these other guys"

The original deal on royalty was 25% on a paid plant and only 1% while the plant was being
paid for.  Under this formula Alberta Taxpayers paid 100%  of these plants.  It was not a big
investment by no name oil industry types. It was 100% Alberta Taxpayer coin!

Since the last election however they have reduced our royalty from 16% (When their stated
target was 19% auditor Fred Dunn) to zilch!

Plant pay offs have nothing to do with their projected robbery.  Conservative idealism however is everything!

"INCREASES IN HEALTH CARE SPENDING" they say. No more chance than the proverbial snow ball in  hell!

They have every intention of totally privatizing our health care and doing away with Alberta
Health Care Coverage. This is where most your phantom billions are coming from!
  That is why so many health care companies are now registered in Alberta after Alberta changed legislation to allow Private Coverage in Alberta.  That is why your local Blue Cross is beating down your door trying to sell you a private medical coverage policy and your TV is alive with health care coverage alternatives.

Reducing royalty to zero and privatizing anything that can be construed social is what these guys are all about!  Likewise the Wild Rose Party whose members now include those same people who authored the sacking of the Heritage Trust. WRP have a work for your welfare program on the drawing boards they don't mind talking about.  
If you think this is as good as it gets, think again!  Under Conservatives or WRP your future is very bleak! Alberta needs a new big, change!

The Liberal Budget on the other hand is non sensational, well thought out with the future
considered. We can operate without oppression and ripping off of public funds. Entirely doable not a sack of cover-ups and false promises like this budget. A very superior product.

The Liberals will not be sacking public pensions and considered unnecessary staff and consultants to make the budget!

It is time to support the Liberal Party of Alberta and reclaim this province for the
citizens while protecting and growing our industries and jobs. We don't have to be a one industry province!

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