Sunday, February 26, 2012

Jobs; Jobs; Jobs! But, not many are real!

Newspapers all over Alberta and BC are pushing Help Wanted adds big time!   There were not this many adds when we were at our peak production periods.  And, we sure are not at peak production now.  Things are tough in Alberta.  Rather than tweak favorable horoscopes the industry is pushing a non existent job application program.  This is something they do every election time but this time, having been caught stealing pensions in their trust they have pulled out all the stops!  

BC is under heavy siege being indentifed with the Alberta Conservatives through PNWER

I don't want to rain on your parade but, these jobs just don't exist.  Perhaps some of them will in 4 or 5 years time regardless of Government but, not before!

If you read these job adds just a little closer, there is no indication of when the jobs will start.  They are written in a way you would assume near immediate but, it is not the case!

The ones that do project a time for hire are picking dates beyond the next election. Interviews will tell you, "if the present government is reelected" which is straight BS!  Alternative Governments would put much more coin in your dish!

There is no truth to the very great majority of adds! They are simply not looking after the population! They are however trying to buy votes; to put a positive spin on a provincial Government that is in trouble and will stop at nothing at all to get elected again!

If the Conservatives including WRP and BC Liberals don't get in this time there is a good chance we will move towards a royalty regime which is close to that of BC and Saskatchewan which is good for everyone; not just a few of the chosen.

 The Companies will loose the taxpayer portion of the royalty and that is big bucks between 32 and 64 million dollars a day!.

We are presently loosing 32 million dollars a day from tar sands alone!  If on the other hand they do get in because Albertan's don't vote, Saskatchewan will claim opposition and cut their royalty down.

I keep repeating Alberta is getting zero for royalty and the Conservatives are calling this ridiculous. The little exercise I put up is based on 100 dollar oil which with things going as they are will be up to 200.00 shortly.

They are lying to you!  Get a new Government in a share in a little prosperity!

Alberta royalty explained.

I have said we are presently getting zero for royalty on our resources. The Conservatives are saying this is ridiculous!

Here it is on the tar sands; oil sands what ever you want to call them taken on a 100 dollar US Barrel oil.

Originally we were getting 25% royalty taken in US dollars on production on the completed plant.

Until the plant was paid for we collected only 1% US dollars (1.00 US per bbl).  The balance went to the companies to pay for the build of the plant.  (99.00  US per bbl)

Ralph Klein started the cuts to royalty with his famous Firestorm fishing trip.  Oil companies took him fishing and he came back with a deal that a plant add on would be paid for by Alberta Taxpayers the same as a new plant.

Following that there were no releases on what was paid leaving people to assume we were still on the original deal. It was a big secret! Then!

Then Auditor General Fred Dunn pointed out Alberta was only collecting 16% US on a barrel of oil (16.00 US per barrel  and their stated target at that time was 19% or 19.00 per bbl US.

In this time lapse we had lost 9% of our royalty .  Thereafter the Conservatives put out a "hate Fred Dunn" campaign saying he "had no business in reporting this"

The last election royalty was a big deal.  On the eve of the election the Conservatives pumped out a "New Royalty Framework"  .pdf  which is alive and well today.  They put ridiculous out of reach percentages on this paper along with one line which said "Taken in Canadian Dollars"

No part of this paper was ever applied nor was it ever intended to be applied except for the Canadian Dollar bit.  They put that part in immediately a loss to Alberta of 18% of our revenues!  After he was elected he was on TV saying he heard the complaints of the Gas industry and Conventional oil industry and would address them separately.  With that he changed all our resource takes to Canadian Dollars and our royalty is essentially the same for all!

It also served to upset oil types who knew no better into trashing the Conservatives while complaining about the high oil increases.  The press was alive in favor of royalty cuts fueled by the nonsense posts of uninformed people and a great many who were just playing the game!

Then,  with royalty at 16% Canadian the 100.00 barrel of oil would return 16.00 less 18% exchange left us with 13.20 per bbl.   

18%  is interesting as it is the Percentage used to explain the difference between the US and Canadian economies.

A year ago, Ron Liepert said our royalty will be only 6% immediately and will be that for the next 6 years at which time it will be reviewed.  (Which means in another 5 years or earlier it will be down to zero)

A 100 US barrel of oil  and a 90 cent Canadian dollars  gives us 5.40 per barrel Canadian.

When  the US and Canada normalize and we are back at a 85 cent Canadian dollar which is the norm, we will get 5.10 per barrel. (100 US to Can =85.00 X 6%=5.10)

We pay for their power lines, we pay for their roads, we pay for their water and using US standards we pay for their health care!
WE ARE IN THE HOLE and have been in the hole for some time!  How much can you and  your family afford to pay them?

With the stuff going on in the middle east we are poised to see 200.00 US or more per barrel. When that happens Albertans will be short some 320 thousand dollars per day in resource royalty!

BC and Saskatchewan and pretty much the rest of the world are taking 20% US dollars for their royalty where our deal was for 25% and this is where we should be at!

The bottom line: The Conservatives have been reducing Alberta's royalty from day 1 of  Ralph Klein's reign to the present time!  They will continue to do so!

You cannot vote the same way every time and reasonably expect a different outcome!

Support me on voting Alberta Liberal!

This article updated on:

Monday, February 20, 2012

Alberta Water, Power and Oil Support groups.

This story is the tip of the iceberg! The Conservatives separated generation from Transmission with the sale of PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements)

The higher profit agreements were picked up right away. Many of these purchases were resold or “flipped” within a week. Some reported to be flipped several times. Conservative insiders picked up a load of quick gold from this.

The not so profitable (gas generation) was picked up by the Parent Company of Great West Life (Mazankowski) who still owns them but with Natural Gas cheap these PPAs are worth a lot more.
At the end of this charade to jack up prices the cities ended up with most of the PPAs.

The battle for power generation continues.. Fording Coal owned large tracks of coal in Central Alberta. They wanted to build a generation plant there similar to Sundance at a factious name of Bow City Alberta. They were going to build their own power lines to Calgary and to Southern Alberta. This was in truth High River.

TransAlta along with the Cons moved to stop this. They went so far as to privately fund environmental groups active at that time who were protesting a coal generation plant.

Since that time, ENMAX is building a gas generated plant outside of Calgary. This hit a big fight by EPCOR, TransAlta and the Conservative Government as it would negate the argument that southern lines were needed for Calgary.

We have a similar thing happening now (using water analogy) Municipalities in Southern Alberta are slated to export bulk water to the US with private holdings pocketing the profits. Insiders hard at work… All the available water allotments are out now and being banked by oil companies who are poised to sell them to municipalities.

The Liberals said earlier they would draw all the water allotments back into the Crown and redistribute as to need. If there is to be water export, the profits would come into the provincial treasury rather than Conservative insiders.  Municipalities would not have to pay US import water prices for their service!

This same group of people are among the major contributors to the Wild Rose Party (2.1 million dollars) who are entirely on side with the Conservatives in all matters.  They have attracted all the Klein drop outs.

These items were all followed at the time.  Top Right Corner of this blog search for those items that interest you. eg: PPA, Water; Electricty; and so on.

Wild Rose Party. Funding and Program!

Wild Rose Party. Funding and Program!

Albertans must surly know the funding for Orman comes from the oil companies where as  the huge Funding for the Wild Rose party 2.1 million dollars is coming from vested interests, both the energy companies and the Mormon church who are not at all shy about these things.   Not only that but municipalities in Southern Alberta who are vested in Bulk Water Exports to the US are big contributors.    Of course this is not legal so nothing will be said until after elections at which point she will take the "divulge nothing" option and pay her 15.000 dollar fine.

Our royalty is zero;zilch; nada!  Our Heritage Trust which should have been far above 200 billion dollars is now sitting at 15 billion.  That in turn will be gone by 2014 where  Liepert expects a 5 billion dollar surplus off taxes alone having totally done away with Alberta Health Care and having sold off provincial hospitals to private companies and physician and health care consortium's.
Danielle Smith, Orman and the Wild Rose Party are completely on board with all of this. Example: When the Heritage Trust blossomed again, she said "Wild Rose will start a new account made up of  Taxpayer contributions!)  They too are not going to take any royalty for our oil.  On tar sands alone we are presently loosing 1.6 million dollars per day in revenue!

Pubic Pensions, still being sacked will be explained away  as needed adjustments, down by 50% or more!

The schools are on the verge of privatization having all but done away with the public school systems.

Universities will remain frozen in funding to 1986 levels.  Only our richest families will be able to attend.  Support for university at the high school level will depend on how much money you pay to attend a school that offers those specific courses.

You have just this one chance to change this province for the sake of your kids and your futures!

Support me in backing the Liberals.  The NDP are simply a protest vote and this is not the time to play around!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Conservatives tell Petroleum Association-Business as Usual after election!

Loose Lips Liepert addressed the Petroleum Group in Calgary saying if elected it will be business as usual and by 2014 we should have a 5 billion dollar surplus.

There is presently 15 billion dollars left in the Heritage Trust fund of the 200 billion or more that should have been in there!   By 2014 there will be nothing left! 
(There is no reference link: The Calgary Herald pulled the article from their news the moment I posted a comment to it!)

He talked sustainability fund again.  There is no such thing!  There is as outlined previously the public Pension funds which they were busted for robbing.  AIMCo who was to have been looking after these funds posted an 8 billion dollar loss while the rest of that industry in Canada posted at 3% gain.  If patterns hold, they will be drawing still more from the pension funds!

Next, that means any promises they make about changes are off the board!

It means any "surplus" will come through the cancellation of Alberta Health Care coverage and the privatization of the health industry! While make work programs for the oil industry will be funded from Pensions and Heritage trust.

It means the next few years are going to be the most miserable Albertans have ever lived through!

Wild Rose Party are fully on side with all of this!

On the other hand the Liberal Budget is non sensational, straight forward and very much on the mark. It protects our health care builds our needed pipelines and will without a doubt show Albertans a betterment of Lifestyle they could never have dreamed of under Conservative Governments.

Albertans must Vote to achieve this! The Conservatives got in with only 22% of the vote. That is because the people who wanted change did not take the time to vote!

This time do it!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Alberta Pre Election Budget - The real one will follow if you elect them again.

IT WAS NOT OIL RESOURCE REVENUES WHO PAID DAY TO DAY EXENSES! IT WAS OUR HERITAGE TRUST FUND WHICH PAID 15 TOTAL PROVINCIAL BUDGETS! And.the Heritage Trust Fund was not sacked to help a starving province!  It was sacked throughout the highest, richest production years Alberta has ever known!  It was not invested in capital projects that did not appreciate as they would have you think!

160 billion dollars was pulled out of the fund and ran through General Revenues and used to artificially reduce oil royalty to zero!  The Heritage Trust is now down to 15 billion and falling fast! To replace this money they will increase your personal taxes!

THERE NEVER WAS A SUSTAINABILITY FUND!  Alberta's AIMCO however reported an 8 billion dollar loss in pension funds. (between an 8 and 12 million loss to pensions) at the same time the Conservatives were busted for stealing Alberta Pension Funds.

Stupendous Predictions abound.  It is the true benchmark of the Conservatives. In their world it is not how much BS you throw but how much you make stick to the door that counts!

This time, last election: Our resource revenues were promised a pie in the sky increases in the "New Royalty Regime". Our royalty was 16% USD and US exchange was 18%.  They projected huge, impossible royalty increases exactly as they are doing this time! Same old show.

As it turned out, they changed our take from USD to Can $ in that document, a loss to this province of 18% at the time! The purpose was to reduce royalty and only to reduce royalty.  So much for promises from these guys. As Stelmach said in debate on that election, "we are Conservatives. not like these other guys"

The original deal on royalty was 25% on a paid plant and only 1% while the plant was being paid for.  Under this formula Alberta Taxpayers paid 100%  of these plants.  It was not a big investment by no name oil industry types. It was 100% Alberta Taxpayer coin!

Since the last election however they have reduced our royalty from 16% (When their stated target was 19% auditor Fred Dunn) to zilch!

Plant pay offs have nothing to do with their projected robbery.  Conservative idealism howeveris everything!

"INCREASES IN HEALTH CARE SPENDING" they say. No more chance than the proverbial snow ball in hell!  They do have every intention of totally privatizing our health care and doing away with Alberta Health Care Coverage. This is where most your phantom billions are coming from!  That is why so many health care companies are now registered in Alberta after Alberta changed legislation to allow Private Coverage in Alberta.  That is why your local Blue Cross is beating down your door to sell health care coverage.

STUPENDOUS  PREDICTIONS  abound.  It is the true benchmark of the Conservatives. In their world it is not how much BS you throw but how much you make stick to the door that counts!

This time, last election: Our resource revenues were promised a pie in the sky increases in the "New Royalty Regime". Our royalty was 16% USD and US exchange was 18%.  They projected huge, impossible royalty increases exactly as they are doing this time! Same old show.

As it turned out, they changed our take from USD to Can $ in that document, a loss to this
province of 18% at the time! The purpose was to reduce royalty and only to reduce royalty. 
So much for promises from these guys. As Stelmach said in debate on that election, "we are
Conservatives. not like these other guys"

The original deal on royalty was 25% on a paid plant and only 1% while the plant was being
paid for.  Under this formula Alberta Taxpayers paid 100%  of these plants.  It was not a big
investment by no name oil industry types. It was 100% Alberta Taxpayer coin!

Since the last election however they have reduced our royalty from 16% (When their stated
target was 19% auditor Fred Dunn) to zilch!

Plant pay offs have nothing to do with their projected robbery.  Conservative idealism however is everything!

"INCREASES IN HEALTH CARE SPENDING" they say. No more chance than the proverbial snow ball in  hell!

They have every intention of totally privatizing our health care and doing away with Alberta
Health Care Coverage. This is where most your phantom billions are coming from!
  That is why so many health care companies are now registered in Alberta after Alberta changed legislation to allow Private Coverage in Alberta.  That is why your local Blue Cross is beating down your door trying to sell you a private medical coverage policy and your TV is alive with health care coverage alternatives.

Reducing royalty to zero and privatizing anything that can be construed social is what these guys are all about!  Likewise the Wild Rose Party whose members now include those same people who authored the sacking of the Heritage Trust. WRP have a work for your welfare program on the drawing boards they don't mind talking about.  
If you think this is as good as it gets, think again!  Under Conservatives or WRP your future is very bleak! Alberta needs a new big, change!

The Liberal Budget on the other hand is non sensational, well thought out with the future
considered. We can operate without oppression and ripping off of public funds. Entirely doable not a sack of cover-ups and false promises like this budget. A very superior product.

The Liberals will not be sacking public pensions and considered unnecessary staff and consultants to make the budget!

It is time to support the Liberal Party of Alberta and reclaim this province for the
citizens while protecting and growing our industries and jobs. We don't have to be a one industry province!

Monday, February 06, 2012

Pipelines - Who pays!

Pipelines appear to ship product from coast to coast but none are bigger than taxpayer dollars!

In Alberta, the Alberta Conservatives have priced our oil for export into the US at 75% of the market price.  The remaining 25% will go towards the payment of the construction and business of the pipelines.

How much we pay will depend on the price of oil  Since 2007 (This policy has been in since the start up of the Tar Sands) the price has remained below 100.00 per bbl/us.  More recently it has moved periodically above 100.00 per barrel US.

Tar Sands output has ranged very close to 1 million barrels a year over a number of years now.

I arbitrarily take 75.00 as being the average and our payment would be 25%  of that or, 18.75 per barrel US.

That works out to 18,750,000 per year paid towards pipelines by the Alberta Taxpayers. Over 10 years that would be $187,500,000 US.

The pipeline has  been on tap for 20 years and for several of those years the price of oil was above 190.00 per barrel US!  The pipeline has been paid for time and time again, who gets the money and why?

Somehow in the dealings Trans Canada Pipelines get paid for the pipeline. My thought is this would be from the refineries in the US. 

From the Taxpayers of Alberta to the Refineries in the US and Back to Trans Canada. A magnificent laundry system to keep the cost of pipelines away from Albertans.

The pipeline to the West coast will be more expensive than the one running south.The 5.5 billion dollars is a low ball estimate.  It could easily reach 5 times that amount!

In this deal, BC and Saskatchewan are on side with Alberta but no one in these jurisdictions is going to tell their taxpayers how much it is going to cost or, how they are going to pay. 

If you want a decent, honest accounting system, vote Liberal of Alberta with me!

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Conservatives are circling the wagons!

After the Alberta Conservatives were busted for stealing pension funds from trust accounts in their care, there was a flurry of activity with Redford and group winging away to Ottawa to whisper in Harper's ear.

The results have been fast and furious:
Flathery reported to the Globe and Financial Posts he was "thinking" of make it legal for Governments to lend/borrow on pension funds.   His timing couldn't be better for those of you who had any doubts as to the credibility of the charges!

Next, we hear Harper from Switzerland saying he's going to change Canada's Pensions.  This, after he has set up a company in Ottawa to run herd on the CPP group.  It was patterned after Alberta's AIMCO which Harper considered to be a great idea.

When they interviewed the weasel in charge of this new company he said simply "things are not busy right now"  (Links to the stories or video will follow)

Harper arrives back in Canada and the debate on the pension changes was called up. It went as a normal debate was until I posted news about the like AIMCO company he had set up.  This went up on day one and on day 2 the Conservatives in Ottawa forced closure on the debate.

My guess is the new legislation will have teeth in it to allow Governments to meddle with pensions.  This will be done to give Alberta's outright theft the air of legitimacy.

Over the next months you will see any number of protective moves from Ottawa to save Alberta. And, you will hear any number of excuses from the Alberta Conservatives as they try to salvage something.

While all this is going on remember the AIMCO statements for last year showed an 8 billion dollar loss on their portfolios, the Alberta Government being their biggest if not only customer.

Pension portfolios across Canada gained by 1/2 of 1%   (0.50%) while my own personal portfolio gained by 3%

These were shown as outright Losses, not investments!

While on this subject, Mr. Rexall is the Chair of AIMCO.  We have a 400 million dollar Arena being proposed in Edmonton.   The city of Edmonton has been using P3 company to finance their constructions. 

Is the Government lending the City of Edmonton P3 money from the Pension Funds and showing them as losses in the Pension funds while preparing to get payments from the City of Edmonton and putting same into their General Revenues?

How much of Mr. Rexall's money is going into the Arena and is it his money or is it Pension money from AIMCO.   People should be asking for full disclosure.

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