Saturday, March 14, 2020

Reasons not to go to the USA!

From There was a CBC news article day-before-yesterday that interviewed a Doctor in Washington who explained the US system makes it dam near impossible to track viruses. This was in answer to the units Trump said he was putting on roadsides next to large gatherings. The physician went so far as to site the universal coverage in Canada making these controls possible.

US has done almost no testing. Trump refused the WHO test kits, insisted they use only US-made ones. Which had to be made - the first lot proved to not work, so they had to start making others. Then Clinics were not permitted to test without Govt approval, & clinics were reporting asking & being refused.
Doctors have publicly stated that the numbers of verified cases being released are a very gross underestimate of the number of actual cases. And without that accuracy, there is no tracking, no prevention. It is a mess there imo.

Also comparison of numbers, ages etc is not consistent between countries on who gets tested, whether there are symptoms or not. They are speculating that high death rates maybe related to factors like young people having few symptoms & so never get tested some places - if young not tested & only positives are among older people, then death rates will appear higher.
Lots we can't say yet - except to help Prevent by using what we do know about prevention!

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