Sunday, March 08, 2020

Covid Virus:Facemasks are pretty much useless

Hope Ludlow Aldridge Masks are pretty useless as Protection against Covid19.
Their only use would be if you have the virus or suspect you do, & Must go to the hospital or somewhere (highly unusual, they usually do a home visit) - then you wear a mask to protect other peop
The best Prevention is GOOD Hand Washing - Warm water & Soap!!

The outer layer of the Covid Virus is lipids & warm water/Soap helps dissolve/break up that! Wash for at least 30 seconds scrubbing hands over & over every surface - front, back, sides, between fingers, around fingertips & thumbs, & wrists - then again!!

Then rinse, dry with a paper towel, .......... then turn off taps & open washroom door with a towel -- remember you opened & turned them on with dirty hands!!

IF not at home, use Sanitizer - must be 60-70% alcohol!
Forget the fancy words, or friend's great ideas - Warm water & Soap first, 70% alcohol next!!!   

Drop by Eyes Canadian Democracy a vastly informed group, time worthwhile spent.

Here is an article from the WHO on facemasks.   And, another 

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