Saturday, May 02, 2015

Braid: From PCs, rumblings about the campaign, the budget and the premier | Calgary Herald

Braid: From PCs, rumblings about the campaign, the budget and the premier | Calgary Herald

#Auditor Generals #Fred Dunn was the best we ever had. He was a game changer! He pointed out to the Conservatives they were only getting 16% royalty not the 19% they said they were getting. At the same time, he pointed out the oil safety inspection office did not have the people on staff to investigate 1/100th of the province! Also, those stuck in the office never had the budget to travel anywhere.

Effectively #Alberta was writing a bunch of fancy regulations they had #no intention of enforcing.

The Conservatives started a #hate Fred Dunn Campaign, cut the #Auditor General Budget so a point it could not function and effectively drove him out of office. The guy deserves a medal!

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