Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Keep Foreign Nationals out of our Parliament!

John Clark
14815 – 123 Ave
Edmonton, AB T5L 2Y7
September 13, 2006

The Honorable Stephen Harper
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
K1A 0A2

Fax: 613-941-6900

Dear Prime Minister:

I agree senate reform is over due and a good job of reforming should be undertaken at the onset.

In the interest of keeping foreign nationals from meddling in our political body I would very much like to see rules for running for parliamentary office to include the condition that foreign nationals, those people who enjoy dual citizenships between Canada and any other country should not be allowed to run for either parliament or senate.

I would like your assurance this proposal will receive your very serious consideration.

Yours truly,

John Clark.

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