Monday, April 27, 2020

Conservative and COVID 19

This virus is a match made for our RNA, the single strand like DNA. I t is my understanding this RNA is pretty much the same in all species! We have it crossing species in the Bronx Zoo. Two of their big cats have contracted it. It has been transmitted to House Cats. What next? It is manifesting itself in COVID Toes. An ugly looking mess growing inside your feet.

 It is manifesting itself into blood clots that cover the skin and the major organs. Even the palms of your hands and soles of your feet, covered in blood blisters! Science is a long way of finding a vaccination for this thing! It is on any scale horrendous. As far as immunity goes, it is not known if you can reinfect or not. Quite probably you will use your immunization to become a carrier. Bats have been found to carry up to 5 COVID viruses very similar to COVID 19.

The Conservative movement is made up of Fundamentalist Christians. This is where you Anit-Vax movement comes from too. These same people are pushing for herd immunization even though, there is no proof that will fix anything! The Conservatives are worse than a Virus!

There is going to be no quick cure for this and thousands more are going to die from it! Scheer same as usual is critical of the Government but offers not a thing by way of doing something different.

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