Sunday, April 08, 2018

Where Trump is off base on Trade.

Mexico for years was after the US to stop or help stop the import of automatic weapons and guns in general into Mexico.  At the time they named gun dealers in Oklahoma who were principals in this action. 

As usual, the presidents of the day chose to ignore as the NRA ramped up its rhetoric loud and long enough to block out Mexico from the US media who for some reason are also afraid of the NRA.

Trump is worried about people coming into the USA but will not give attention to the massive exports of firearms into Mexico from the USA.

China, who incidentally were the original settlers of what is now called the  USA.   They left settlements in Sacramento and further south the full length of the coastlines.  The tribes along that route and into Peru have Chinese DNA from the province that supplied the sailors and concubines for the famous treasure fleets that circumnavigated and mapped the globe by 1420  (Gavin Menzies book 1421)  Trumps fight is with the Chinese stealing intellectual properties from the US.

What he doesn't talk about is Texas who will steal everything you send to them for a trial.  Their laws are structured such that this is all legal!

The point is, Trump should clean up his own backyard before he takes the world on because he can't excite the Americans into their own production increases.

Of course; that 's just me.

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