Monday, April 09, 2018

Syria - poison what the video shown tells us.

The gases dropped are heavier than air so go to the lowest part of the bombed out homes. Horrific.  I'm on side with Trump on this one.

The foaming at the mouth seen on children's corpses is a solid indicator of a cholinesterase inhibitor or organophosphates, simply referred to as "coline inhibitors" with receptors between nerve segments turned off, the saliva continues to build resulting in the foaming.  Seen in some types of snake bites too.

This is the same chemical S C Johnson uses in its spray pesticide for home use.  As a matter of history, this same company put out their first batch and it was seen to kill caterpillars too quickly.  Strictly from a marketing point, they changed the formulation so it took longer to kill the pest.  Now we could watch the caterpillars wiggle longer.  Sales of the chemical spray went up.

The suffocation would be as a result of the chlorine segment of the bombs. Also, a horrible way to meet your demise.

Says a lot about technology and of the human condition.

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