The guy is feeling the heat either from southern Alberta or from potential voters. Or, perhaps just desperate.
What he did in this expose' was to endorse the Wild Rose Party as a successor to the UCP. Never mind a good portion of the WRP are presently members of the UCP! He begged business not to vote NDP!
The UCP have a problem in controlling the religious comment in their political spiel. Fort instance Daniel Steel said "Homosexuals should burn in the fires of hell" and "The Chase Manhattan bank saved Alberta, not the federal government. Where in fact the chase manhattan bank financed the Mormon Temple in Salt lake for 100,000 dollars saving it from bankruptcy! Somehow she managed to loop this into Alberta politics! It certainly demonstrates the Mormon connection to the UCP and the WRP. They roll out the WRP every time the principal party gets in trouble; presented as a good guy and a bad guy routine.
In the past, the Conservatives on one side and the Wild Rose Party on the other side as the ugly hard-line cousin served to put up a lively exchange in the print newspapers.
It's good that the UCP can clearly see the exit door. That doesn't mean the Wild Rose have a place in our politic. And, don't forget the Red Deer MLA who was a lead Trump election organizer. Yup; make Alberta better right out of Trump's playbook.
Brian Jean got stuck on the all-party forum. He couldn't answer questions without checking with the Church.
The Conservatives robbed the Heritage Trust fund of 760 billion dollars the majority of the money ended up on the Texas coast. The remainder of the Heritage fund is in the hands of AIMCO who is not arm's length from the UCP pockets. We can't afford another Conservative Government Trump is gone so the don't have leadership hence Kenny's begging on your vote to go to the WRP.
Harper is still in the woodwork as a coach and advisor. Harper's son still works in Kenny's office with a plush 100,000 dollar a year first-time job.
This brings me to Rachel Notley and the Alberta NDP. While in office she raised Alberta GDP to the highest provincial balance in Canada! Our Health Care was safe for our medical staff secure. Kenny took office and put them all on notice! He's in a bind to go onto Linkedin with his speil knowing full well I was on there.
Not the least of it is Post Media have again cut me off their Calgary site from commenting on the same subject matter. The Fed really has to do something harsh about post media and their owner, bell media.
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