Saturday, June 02, 2018

The Difference between Conservative and Liberal Governments.

First published in 2018
As a one time secretary to a Conservative Riding association, I have insights that can be verified.

First off; the @Liberal Party is the one that built Canada.  They have been in office the majority of the time since Confederation.  The #Conservatives were started by the US Republicans in Southern Alberta and blossomed under the United Farmers Party of the day.

This party became the Conservative Party and very little has changed.  The Liberals prefer a pay as you go Government and continuing struggle to get into a surplus position to cover the crisis.  They have been paying down the deficits of every Conservative Government ever put in office!

This worldwide recession we have barely passed has left Canada, the USA, and the rest of the world with the single exception of Luxembourg on a deficit financing plan.

Conservatives say they will reduce the taxes for everyone.  This is the standard fare.  Consider who gets the most significant breaks; you, or the 10 million dollar company who probably pays the same amount of taxes you do.  Like the 10% tax, it downloads costs onto the lower and middle incomes.

Klein started robbing the Heritage Savings and Trust fund by limiting it's profits to 5% per year.  Everything above 5% went into General Revenues to be used as taxes.   All this time telling Albertans we were getting 30% royalties. This is where the money came from to run 10% taxes. This move lifted 760 Billion dollars from the Heritage Trust fund!

 Norway who has 1/2 the output that Alberta does has over a Trillion dollars in the bank.  How much is a Trillion?  A trillion seconds back in time we would be with the Dinosaurs!

They are also against the social nature of the Canadian makeup at different times citing the CPP as being a subsidy and contrary to the welfare of the private industries.  It should be privatized.  They do not mention the Canadian CPP is the envy of the world.

Health care is still another they keep beating on it should be private practice and private practice only!  Ralph Klein, the Alberta Premier called it "the third rail" referring to the third power track on electric railroads.  He then put us on to total privatization by changing health care so it matched the Oregon model.

Most of this country is younger than I am.  I thought a lesson in our history would be useful.

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