Wednesday, May 09, 2018

The extreme right in the UCP has declared itself!

The #Brian Gene, Danielle Smith segment of the UCP has declared itself as Homophobic tyrants it stands against Gay rights and inclusion.  These knuckle-dragging backwater Mormons from southern Alberta make up the majority of Kenny's crowds.  Without them, he would be talking to empty halls.

#Danielle Smith started the party off with "cancel transfer payments" leading people to think there was a massive pile of money sitting in Alberta waiting to be transferred from Alberta.  No such fund exists.  Transfer payments are paid from the Federal Tax chest.

Brian Gene continued with this BS and #Jason Kenny bought into it and pushed the idea until I busted them on a Calgary Sun rant.

The party platform that Danielle Smith presented included a statement on Gay people.  "They will burn in the fires of hell"  Great politics eh?  Gene carried this forward.

Lastly (and the Mormons still believe this; Canada did nothing for Alberta in the beginning years.  It was the Chase Manhattan Bank that saved Alberta.    This BS flew, believe it!  It was a play on words.  Canada had received money from Ottawa from conception forward for half a century but, it wasn't called Transfer payments at that time.

I take the time to write this bit of history as this makes the rank and file of the Conservative following appear as they should.   That and funds donated by corporations who are looking forward to tax brakes, not realizing we are competitive with the world at large.

Saturday, May 05, 2018

Jason Kenny lays it a bare.

This article from Red Deer says a lot.   Kenny sees a way to usher in a carbon tax; says absolutely nothing about what it will be spent on other than bringing back in the 10% Income Tax!

The 10% tax is a rip off for the general, individual taxpayer; the nebulous middle class.  Ralph Klein was able to do it by Robbing the Heritage Trust fund blind.  No cash left in it now to rob, Jason Kenny is going to introduce his own, open-ended carbon tax!

Whereas Notley's Government has a large refund thing on one hand, a constant into innovations that reduce energy use and improvements to life in general.

It is the Conservative dream to privatize health care, do away with any social program that he can identify as being in conflict with private industry.  This isn't guesswork; it is the Conservative agenda and has been for 30 years or more.

Albertan's stuck on Conservative are stuck on dumb!

Wednesday, May 02, 2018

BC doesn't give dam about environment - its all politics.

BC has an inflow of raw sewage, into the currents that salmon and fish farms thrive in.  Raw sewage is discharged from Victoria and Port Alberni.  If your West Coast Salmon tastes a little off, you know why.

Bloom'n Bucket Greenhouse

Small business in Albert has a new, very exciting member; Shirley Howard's Greenhouse.  Official opening this Friday, May 4th but, I was lucky enough to get a tour.  Beyond a myriad of plants and flowers, there is an array of made up planters and fixtures that add the extraordinary character that is the Greenhouse.

Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Trump and the Nobel Peace Prize NO!

Kim came to the table after being chided by China.  China has a real concern about Korean immigrants flooding them.

Trump's warmongering did nothing at all for the situation other than escalating it!  China, on the other hand, did all the heavy lifting.

Kim didn't have a choice on the shutdown.
China news' most recent publication points to an epicentre for earthquakes being the site of the Korean test site. In effect, the big test of last September blew a chimney through the top of the mountain which was promptly filled with rubble.  Some radiation was picked up in China!

Earlier reports citing the same mountain said the slips in an old fault line were recorded.  They continued to say if another test of any size took place at that site it could cause catastrophic failure which would be felt globally.
This is the reason Kim came to the table and Trump hungry for a little bright spot in his otherwise dismal political career,  felt it necessary to claim his fame as being "the man" which in itself is more Trump BS.
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