G5 network is so named because it works on the 1MM wavelength. Has an ability to go through most things but can only cover distances by repeaters. It hooks up your cell phone to your desktop, your thermostat and your camera. Plus your vehicle. It doesn't matter which system you choose as far as technology is concerned.
Bell Media is in charge of post media and our IP providers. Brought into
Canada by Stephen Harper on his promise to "change Canada so we would never recognize it"
This vertical arrangement of Media ensures the Conservatives get favourable coverage and the Liberals get a bent version of whatever is going on. However, I can tell you this, If you have a secret, keep it in a notebook, not on your phone or computer. Too late, I settled on Burning DVDs.
High-band 5G, or millimetre-wave,
is the really new stuff. So far, this is mostly airwaves in the 20-100 GHz
range. These airwaves haven't been used for consumer applications before.
They're very short range; our tests have shown about 800-foot distances from
towers. But there are vast amounts of unused spectrum up there, which means very
fast speeds using up to 800MHz at a time.
O'Tool, is a Conservative, put into office by the far-Right, (Harper's crew and the US Republicans) He is presently telling the Government to get rid of G5, Huawei in his move to protect US industry which, is his first choice in any case, why Canada always looses when dealing with the Conservatives.
Bottom line is Bell Media engineered Conservative sweeps provincially. Huawei, however, has been working in BC for 10 years and, no record of any problems anywhere and they enjoy the same service we do!
This will demonstrate why we have BC as the only province without a Conservative Government.
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