Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Conservatives and our failed education system.

I listened today to CBC radio program which interviewed a number of young men between the ages generally of 18 to 26 years who were out of work and couldn't find work even though they were aggressively looking.

During the Klein years, Alberta took independent advise that said they would not grow "big" industry because they couldn't graduate enough people!

To counter this perceived threat they dummed down the school system and cut funding to the universities but, it didn't end there.  High school took the hardest hit.  Really dummed down and no support is given for university entrance.  My kids tried to take calculus but were told there is no one in our local school who knew how to teach it.

But, it went further.  Trade schools dropped their entrance requirements to 70% graduation mark to get into a trade school.  Girls who aspired to become physicians were told by the councillor they would be better off if they looked towards nursing!

Some of these young people today were complaining they were not properly prepared for the world, others, now restricted to broken career choice. 

Meanwhile, the Conservatives put out adds all over the world, heavier in the US than other places for degree positions.   They deliberately robbed Alberta kids of their futures.  There are some 17000 unemployed now and the Conservatives appear to be doing the same thing all over again!

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