Friday, June 23, 2017

Google is not only wasting my time but is rude and aggressive

Occasionaly I get close to a person who wants to discuss my business with me.  This after dozens of recorded messages who's tone is to harass rather than fix anything.

For the record, loud and clear to Google in the clouds:  I am not a business, I am not associated with a business and if you want me to take down Alberta the Details to keep  your ignorant family happy; I will be pleased to move it all over to Word Press.  Your choice; send me a text and stop to the BS!

I want to opt out of ad-sense immediately.  4 dollars does not mean that much to me.

And, on my page which associates my equipment.  I have shut down the LG G3 as you guys used it more than I did.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

The "New Conservatives"

'are mostly the same bunch that bilked the Heritage Trust Fund for some 760 billion dollars leaving office while thieving 7 billion from Government held pension funds.

On the latter, they denied it was stolen cash they were using until they were threatened with court action.  Only then did they admit to the thievery from AIMCO and made arrangements with the Unions to put the cash back.

AIMCO at the same time posted a loss of 7 billion dollars attributing it to bad investments when every other segment of their industry was showing a 3%  profit.   That's what tweaked me to the scam.

Even more important, they have not had a whisper out about climate change and what they plan on doing about it. The Alberta NDP has put Alberta at the top of the world in proactive cures for climate change and the NDP Alberta plans are being studied and adopted around the world.

Meanwhile, we are close to a full recession in the world, not just Alberta and Canada.
Yet the Conservatives talk about deficit financing.  They would much prefer to have the breadlines of the 30s back on our streets.

Much of the NDP problems come because of the lack of the Heritage Fund which is a Conservative fault; not NDP.  How easy it would be if we had that 760 billion to work with now!

The Wild Rose Party started off on a pack of lies foundation of which was they were going to do with the Equalization payments.  Alluding to Alberta having a large fund that is transferred to Ottawa every year.  No such thing exists nor has it ever existed!  The payments come from general tax revenues and are paid by Ottawa.

Another inherited problem of the NDP was the lack of infrastructure spending by the Conservatives. Now when we don't have money schools and hospitals have to be replaced or repaired!  Most outstanding are the High River Flood.   The Conservatives knew of this for 15 years and did nothing!  And, because of this, your house insurance went up 30% to pay for it.

In fun to sit and complain at Government but when you hold the Conservatives up for a comparison the NDP look really, really great and are doing an equally great job.
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