Saturday, May 21, 2016

Alberta and climate change.

Through out the years, Alberta has nourished a healthy agricultural industry.  But, why?

Alberta has only been less than 1 inch of moisture away from desert conditions!  Agriculture worked well not because of the amount of rain which we received but, the fact that it always arrived when we needed it.

Climate change has effected all that regularity.  What does the future hold?

Friday, May 13, 2016

Post Media on hard time; pulling coin from your pocket.

Post media to their credit dropped home delivery from 500 dollars a year to 400 dollars a year. That is sizable but still too high.  I cut my subscription.

They are pushing their on line readership at 120.00 per year for one paper.  If you decide you want the Financial Post or National Post that will be double thank you.

I am not subscribing to that either.

There are other news sources available.  Take the time, save a bundle and look.

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